Pet Products Can Be Dangerous!

This website is to dedicated to delivering the best information about pets, in order to help provide the overall quality of life for your furry friends.

Binding ideal pet products is always been a hassle, but is becoming more complicated with the various choices. People looking for premier pet products can put their pets and children in danger if they are unaware of the possible consequences. Many pet products are downright dangerous in you should have a good idea of what has the potential to have your pets in what will not. Making purchases from your friendly, local pet store or grocery store could result in unexpected issues later day.

A recent report documents that Americans spent more than (1), $1 billion each year on products designed to kill fleas and ticks on household pets. These products can be potentially dangerous to the brains of children, as well as her nervous system.

Scientists also have concluded there is a greater risk for children because their neurological and metabolic system are still developing.

Toddlers exposed to a medium to large dog that has been sprayed or tested are exposed to these chemicals, shows levels twice as the EPA considers safe.

Cats Are In More Danger!

Cats are particularly vulnerable since they often lack enzymes for metabolizing or detoxifying pesticides- based products. Cats also should avoid the chemicals Permethrin and Pyrethrins at all costs, as they are very toxic to cats.

There are number of ingredients that can have harmful effects on animals that are commonly seen throughout a variety of insecticides for fleas  and in other pet products.

This, combined with low quality pet food, has forced many to reevaluate what-they are feeding their cats on a day to day basis because there overall health will deteriorate from lack of proper vitamins and minerals. When given your dog or cat flea treatment. Make sure to research each of the chemicals are that are listed in the ingredients list.

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